크기 430x430--DISCLAIMER--
I DO NOT OWN THIS MAP.Leaferius(Akariance) has full ownership of this map.
I(Stormrider) only polished the terrain and ores for this map.
-->Originally Astrape by Akariance<--
Here once lies a Mega port.Crippled from time to time during the war, The port has been demolished, yet here still lies a considerable amount of resources, which is necessady for both side.
Repel the Crux's naval platoon here. Hold this place and grab as much as possible, before we have to back off.
>>>Total:96(95) Waves/3.5min for wave1/81 sec duration.
>>>Placement:Sector 33
>>>Required unlocked tech:PLT
Add Octs into the wave, As removing eclispes (They appear way later so you dont have to worry)
Add effects to certain enemies.
Reduce prepare time and raise waves amount.
I DO NOT OWN THIS MAP. ORIGINAL MAP(Astrape) made by Akariance. Revamped by Stormrider.
게임 모드(생존)행성(세르플로)버전(v7)위협(높음)